Monday, April 25, 2011

Tyranny Busters Chap. 1 - Constitutional Taxation and Interpretations Thereof, by the Supreme Court

“What is it that is actually being taxed? Is it people? Is it property? Or is it activities? There cannot be any intelligent conversation about a tax until the actual subject of the tax is known.”
Otto Skinner

The Constitution of the United States has provided Congress with the power of taxation, or to impose a tax. The Supreme Court has referred to this power as a plenary power, which means:
Webster’s Dictionary, 1828 Edition

“PLE'NARY, a. [L. plenus.]
Full; entire; complete; as a plenary license; plenary consent; plenary indulgence. The plenary indulgence of the pope is an entire remission of penalties to all sins.”

    I will be using the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary for definitions, when- ever possible, so that we will have the same meaning that the Founding Fathers assigned to these words, except for any words that entered the Constitution at a later date.

    Congress has a plenary power of taxation; therefore, Congress can do whatever it chooses, right? Not exactly! We will soon learn that some strings are attached which actually bind this power. These details stipu- late that Congress must follow some clear rules regarding this plenary power of taxation.
    Before we explore these rules, we will review some definitions of the words used within these rules, or grants of power. The power of Congress that relates to taxation is contained in three short sections of the Constitution, which contain the following words:
    indirect (not in the Constitution, but nessary to understand the direct tax)

    The words above must be completely understood in order to fully comprehend the power of taxation that has been granted to Congress. Let us begin with the definition of the word tax.

    “TAX, n. [L. taxo, to tax.]
1.A rate or sum of money assessed on the person or prop- erty of a citizen by government, for the use of the nation or state. Taxes, in free governments, are usually laid upon the property of citizens according to their income, or the value of their estates. Tax is a term of general import, including almost every species of imposition on persons or property for supplying the public treasury, as tolls, tribute, subsidy, excise, impost, or customs. But more generally, tax is limited to the sum laid upon polls, lands, houses, horses, cattle, professions and occupa- tions. So we speak of a land tax, a window tax, a tax on carriages, &c. Taxes are annual or perpetual.

2.A sum imposed on the persons and property of citizens to defray the expenses of a corporation, society, parish or company; as a city tax, a county tax, a parish tax, and the like. So a private association may lay a tax on its members for the use of the association.”

To fully understand the subject of taxation, we will first divide all taxes into two categories: the first being direct taxes, the second being indirect taxes. All federal taxes belong in either one category or the other.

    “DIRECT, a. [L., to make straight. See Right.]:
Direct tax, is a tax assess on real estate, as houses and lands.”

    INDIRECT', a. [L. indirectus; in and directus, from dirigo.]
Indirect tax is a tax or duty on articles of consumption, as an excise, customs, &c.”

    From what you have learned so far, can you determine whether an impost tax is a direct or indirect tax? Now we will look at the definitions of some more words that are from within the Constitution.

    “IM'POST, n. [L. impositum, impono.]
Any tax or tribute imposed by authority; particularly, a duty or tax laid by government on goods imported, and paid or secured by the importer at the time of importation. Imposts are also called customs.”

    “DUTY, n.:
Tax, toll, impost, or customs; excise; any sum of money required by government to be paid on the importation, exportation, or consumption of goods. An impost on land or other real estate, and on the stock of farmers, is not called a duty, but a direct tax.”

(Continued on next post)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tyranny Busters - Introduction

    The Tyranny Busters books are written with the purpose of freeing minds from tyranny. Thomas Jefferson’s quote below caused me to give this subject a long, hard look. I have been enlightened by this simple quote of Jefferson’s, and I hope that I may enlighten others as he continues to do throughout the ages.

     What did Thomas Jefferson mean when he wrote, “I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”? Why did he say “...over the mind of man”?

     Did he conceive tyranny to mean only despotic rule? If so, why did he say “...every form of tyranny”?

    He was speaking of tyranny over the mind, not over the body. Why? Why was this kind of tyranny so disagreeable to him? In ancient Greece, tyranny referred to a government that took power without the right to do so—to rule without right, whether benevolent or despotic. To control a person’s mind without their awareness is, in my opinion, the ultimate tyranny. It is this form of tyranny that I wish to address.

    Controlling minds through fraud is a common practice of governments. This fraud is accomplished through propaganda and with repeated lies. Today, our government has almost convinced us that we would starve if not for its benevolent care. The tyranny I address in this book is the so-called Federal “Income” Tax. Our government has convinced us that we must, in effect, subject ourselves to slavery in order to be free. What a tyranny this is upon our minds!

    To stimulate your brain a little, ask yourself these questions: “Do you, as an individual, have inalienable rights? Do you have the inalienable ‘right’ to the preservation of life and liberty? Do you own yourself? Does the ‘right’ to the preservation of life depend on the permission or control of government? Does the government have the power to deter- mine how much of your labor will be forfeited to the state? Can a ‘right’ be taxed? Do you have a ‘right’ to your own sanity?”

    What is sanity? We know that when people are deemed to be insane, they are thought to be not responsible for their actions. So, those who are responsible for their actions must therefore be ’sane’. If there is tyranny over a mind, then that mind is neither sane, nor free, nor responsible for itself.

    Think about this concept for a minute: when this country began, the people were neither dependent on the government for their existence, nor was their labor confiscated by the government. This country began with the premise that we all had an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that those rights could not be taken from us – in whole or part.

    In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote that governments were instituted among men to secure our rights. Is that what our government does today, when it requires that many of us give up great portions of their property and/or labor for the benefit of those whom politicians deem fit to reward?

    It is time to remove some tyranny from our minds and to restore personal liberty and individual responsibility to our fair land.

Mike Benoit, Author

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Introduction to the Paine Bastiat Jefferson Freedom Fellowship

Tyranny Busters - Preface

 The Tyranny Busters series is dedicated to Thomas Jefferson and to Otto Skinner. I consider Thomas Jefferson to be one of the greatest tyranny busters to have ever lived; and Otto Skinner will be, if his work can eventually be understood and widely disseminated. In the quotes shown below, volumes are spoken on the subject and are encapsulated for our consumption.
Just take one pill three times daily, to fight tyranny!

    “I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of  man"
            -Thomas Jefferson-

Jefferson is responsible for spreading thousands of seeds of liberty, but for me, the seed quoted above is so important that it becomes a pillar of liberty. If this were all that Jefferson ever wrote, it would still be of monumental significance.

    “What is it that is actually being taxed? Is it people? Is it property? Or is it activities? There cannot  be any intelligent conversation about a tax until the actual subject of the tax is known.”
            -Otto Skinner-

Only after you either apply this knowledge, or insist on getting answers to these questions (in regards to the so-called “income” tax), will you finally understand the mental tyranny under which Americans have been laboring. If we were to get an answer to these questions, the next question Otto poses is this:

    “In what section, if any, of the Internal Revenue Code does it impose a tax on that particular subject?”

A tyranny over the mind of man embodies the essence of slavery, complete with the ignorance of being enslaved by the enslaver. A tyranny over a mind is tantamount to mind control, and is also suppression of the highest order. With the Tyranny Busters series, I attempt to do my part to remove some of the tyranny that currently exists over the mind of man. One day, may freedom prevail!

Thank you, Thomas Jefferson and Otto Skinner!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why is the dollar dropping against the Japanese Yen?

One question we should be asking is why is the dollar dropping against the Japanese Yen since the earthquake, tsuanami and nuclear reactor issues.
Could it be that the dollar is on it's way to a bigger meldown than any nuclear reactor in Japan?
Maybe the Japanese are dropping the dollar, like a hot potato. After all do they not own a large share of  the U.S. Debt?


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Tyranny Buster and frequent Congressional Candidate

Author of the book "Tyranny Busters" and a regular candidate for the 52nd districts Congressional seat, Mike sees the greatest tyrannies upon our rights in today's America are the Income Tax and the ponzi scheme known as Social Security. Mike has been fighting a 20 year battle with the IRS, and has logged thousands of hours of legal research in his quest to be free of the mighty suppression laid upon us all by this monstrosity. Let the battle continue here.